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What we’re looking for

What we’re looking for
Our recruitment efforts remain focused on both behavioral and physical health services that meet the unique needs of our members, including:
- Providers with a focused approach on LGBTQ services
- Services in languages other than English
- Services that meet the unique cultural needs of our members
- Specific specialty services in rural parts of the state, like behavioral health outpatient services and cardiology services for children and adults
Letter of Interest process
Here you’ll find the process for submitting your Letter of Interest for consideration as a network provider.
You can request to join the Mercy Care network by submitting a Letter of Interest (LOI) and completing a W-9 Form (PDF).
- Provider specialty — any specialty services that you provide
- Geographic area(s) you serve
- Medicare ID number (if applicable)
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) ID number: All providers must have completed AHCCCS ID Provider Enrollment; call the Provider Assistance Unit if you need help at 602-417-7670, option 5
- A summary description of programs
- Target populations and specific age categories
- Specific models of care and therapies you use
- Frequency of programming treatment
- Appointment availability
Submit a complete request to Network Management. Make sure your request includes all the information on the LOI list. If anything is missing, you’ll have to resubmit a complete LOI and W-9.
If we deny your request for network participation, you can reapply in one year. We evaluate our network regularly. We’ll contact you directly if our needs change.
If we approve your request to join the network, we’ll contact you to start the contracting process.
Contracting process
An onboarding specialist will contact you to get the credentialing form we require for your provider type.
If you’re a practitioner, provide your updated Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) information. Be sure we can access your information. Otherwise, delays will result.
A contract negotiator will send a Mercy Care Agreement for review and electronic signature.
After we approve credentialing and you’ve completed and signed the Mercy Care Agreement, we’ll move forward with countersignature.
Wait to schedule Mercy Care members until:
- We let you know your participation effective date
- You receive a copy of the fully executed Agreement
- A member of your staff has completed orientation with the Workforce Development (WFD) team (your training manager or Mercy Care WFD contact)
Be ready to respond to requests from our network management team. If we don’t receive a timely response, we may deny your contract.
Review your provider manual for more details.
Network Management
Network Management
Network Management serves our provider community. They train, maintain and strengthen our provider network while staying on top of all regulations.
Network Management can:
- Do provider visits
- Train your staff on our policies and procedures
- Provide ongoing education resources
- Resolve operational issues to improve health care delivery
- Explain credentialing requirements
- Help you use tools like your Provider Portal
- Help with administrative functions, like claims submission (EDI), electronic funds transfer (EFT) and electronic remittance advice (ERA)
You can learn how to check claim status or submit new claims on your Provider Portal.
You can also fax us at 1-860-975-3201 or email this information:
- Changes to your practice
- Tax ID changes
- Recent practice or provider updates
- Termination from practice
- Web portal registration form
Questions about a processed claim, either paid or denied? Check our claims page. Non-participating provider? Contact us for all issues, including claims.

Required training for Mercy Care Advantage providers
Remember to complete your required model of care training within 90 days of contracting and then, annually, on or before December 31 of the calendar year.
Required Medicaid course tracking for some provider types
All ACC-RBHA and ACC-RBHA with SMI behavioral health organizations must track staff course completion of the mandated statewide training requirements.
Therapeutic foster care for Mercy Care DCS CHP providers
Learn about becoming a provider for therapeutic foster care.