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Extra benefits at no extra cost
As a member, you get a $0 monthly plan premium, plus extra benefits beyond Original Medicare:
Vision, hearing and dental
Over-the-counter (OTC) items
Foot and back care
Health and wellness classes
Telehealth and the Nurse Line
Check our 2025 Benefits at a Glance (PDF) brochure for the benefits you'll receive as a member.
For more details about plan benefits and cost-sharing, check our:
Get ready to enroll
Before you start, you’ll want to have some info ready:
- Your Medicare card
- Your Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Medicaid card
- A list of all your medications and doctors
Steps to enroll

Steps to enroll
You can enroll:
By phone
Make an appointment with us. We can answer your questions and enroll you over the phone. Just call 602-414-7630 or 1-866-571-5781 (TTY 711).
In person
Call us to make an appointment: 602-414-7630 or 1-866-571-5781 (TTY 711). Then, we’ll come to you.
By mail or fax
Read the enrollment form instructions. Then, complete the enrollment form:
- Enrollment for instructions – English (PDF)
- Enrollment form instructions – Español (PDF)
- Enrollment form – English (PDF)
- Enrollment form – Español (PDF)
You can send it by:
Mercy Care Advantage
PO Box 61718
Phoenix, AZ 85082-9961
Call us at 602-414-7630 or 1-866-571-5781 (TTY 711). We can also:
- Explain Mercy Care Advantage benefits and answer all your questions
- See if your doctors and hospital are in our network
- Review your medications to see if they’re covered
Who we serve
This plan provides Medicare benefits to people who qualify for both:
- Medicare Parts A and B
- Medicaid services from AHCCCS
Service area:
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Complete Care Regional Behavioral Health Agreement (ACC-RBHA): Gila, Maricopa and Pinal counties
- AHCCCS Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS): Gila, Maricopa, Pima and Pinal counties
- Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD): Statewide
Learn more about Mercy Care Advantage benefits — beyond Original Medicare.
Mercy Care Advantage is an HMO SNP with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Arizona Medicaid Program. Enrollment in Mercy Care Advantage depends on contract renewal. Mercy Care Advantage provides Medicare services and benefits to people who are eligible for both Medicare Parts A and B and Medicaid assistance from the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). Because Mercy Care Advantage is a Medicare Special Needs Plan, our plan benefits and services are designed for people with special health care needs.
Call 602-414-7630 or 1-866-571-5781 (TTY 711)
We’re here for you 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week.
Contact us
Call 602-414-7630 or 1-866-571-5781 (TTY 711)
We’re here for you 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week.
Contact us