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Be aware of heat effects

Be aware of heat effects
In extreme heat, your body works harder to stay at a normal temperature. You may sweat more. But if your body doesn’t cool, sweating eventually stops, even when your temperature keeps rising. This can lead to heat stroke and even death.
Some medications make it harder to tolerate heat, like those that treat depression or anxiety. Some examples are antidepressants or blood pressure medicines.
Check the list of medicines that can increase your risk for heat problems. Be aware of your own risks when you’re taking medication. And take steps to stay cool and hydrated.
Some people are at increased risk for heat-related illness. Learn more about heat effects from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Find places to cool off
Protect yourself when it’s hot outside by staying cool and hydrated. You can find heat relief sites like cooling centers, respite centers and hydration stations during the summer from May 1 to September 30.
Find spots near you:
Get heat help
Find info about energy assistance and help for older adults.
Prepare for extreme heat
Learn more about how to prepare for extreme heat.