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Whole health for students

Whole health for students
Mental health issues can affect anyone, including students in school. In fact, they affect 1 in 6 children before age 8. Anxiety and depression are two of the most common in children and youth. Other problems can also affect their ability to benefit from the classroom.
What are mental health issues? These include serious changes in the way children learn, behave or manage emotions. Changes like this can cause distress and trouble getting through the day. Finding problems early means students can get the support they need. And that means better whole health.
What’s covered and who benefits
What’s covered and who benefits
Schools can give students a referral to counseling for:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Social isolation
- Stress
- Behavioral issues
- Any other mental health service
Those who can take part are uninsured or underinsured Arizona students that qualify for AHCCCS or the Mental Health Block Grant. They can receive these services on or off school campus (depending on the provider).

Referrals and coverage
You’ll want to check with your child’s school for a referral to behavioral health services. You could receive services from these sources:
- Your current benefits if you have a health plan
- Funds from the mental health block grant (MHBG)
Schools that meet the requirement can refer students for behavioral health services. Students can receive these services on or off school campuses.
Need to learn more about this funding? Go to the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) website for more info. You can also check the:
School-Based Universal Referral Form – English (PDF)
School-Based Universal Referral Form – Español (PDF)
Learn more or get more info and contacts for behavioral health services in schools (PDF).
Not a Mercy Care member? We can help you get started with benefits from AHCCCS. Call us at 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Mercy Care contact for Maricopa County school districts and schools
Are you with a Maricopa County school district or school? You can email Lauren Tomchak to:
- Get more info about behavioral health
- Find behavioral health providers in your area
- Learn about partnerships with behavioral health providers
School feedback form
Schools working with community behavioral health providers can provide their feedback using the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) School Feedback Form.
Mental health block grant
You can also learn about the mental health block grant. This grant funds mental health services for people with serious mental illness (SMI).
Providers can order resources
Complete the online form to order educational materials about behavioral health services at no cost.
Not yet a member?
Learn about becoming a member in Mercy Care Medicaid plans or Mercy Care Advantage.