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What’s covered and who benefits

What’s covered and who benefits
We can spend the SOR funds on people in the community who need covered services, like:
- Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
- Coordinated and integrated care (all providers working together)
- Recovery support for opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use disorder
Those who can take part are uninsured:
- People re-entering the community from correctional settings
- People in rural and isolated areas
- People experiencing homelessness
- Tribal groups
- Veterans, military service members and their families
- Pregnant women and parents with OUD
- People who’ve had trauma, toxic stress or adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
Providers and resources
People can contact providers directly. You don’t need a referral to receive services.
Maricopa County
Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association
Recovery and treatment options for people with spinal cord Injury and other physical disabilities who have opioid or stimulant addictions.
Arizona Women’s Recovery Center (AWRC)
Outreach and engagement; quick intake, assessment and referral; housing; long-term vocational counseling; indefinite after-care support; peer support; and programs specifically tailored to the needs of pregnant women.
Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona
Brain Injury Alliance works with members of the disability community who have brain health concerns or have sustained a brain injury, such as a stroke, concussion, traumatic brain injury, or brain tumor. Our team provides support to assist survivors in entering and completing addiction treatment. We work with those who are newly injured to prevent addiction and substance misuse through counseling, family caregiver education, peer support, art enrichment, support groups, and post-acute medical and resource coordination.
Community Bridges, Inc.
24/7 Access Point: opioid treatment program (OTP)
Retention of jail navigators, housing navigators, and advent of new first responder navigator Expansion of Navigator workforce to include women’s services navigators affiliated with Center for Hope Expansion of Rapid Rehousing Programming rental and utility help.
Housing: Email Russell Wildey
Community Medical Services
24/7 Access Point: opioid treatment program (OTP)
Peer support and outreach services within correctional environments, connecting members with an OUD or stimulant use disorder to services; viral hepatitis testing and benefits navigation.
Access to mobile app that provides recovery support that is culturally sensitive. Includes communication tools and a directory of community resources for member needs.
Family Involvement Center (FIC)
Parent Ally Program Model connects adults who have been reunified with their children to provide peer support to a parent whose child or children have been removed.
Hushabye Nursery
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) specialty recovery center, protecting the ability of newborn intensive care units (NICUs) to keep and care for critically ill babies.
Intensive Treatment Systems (ITS)
24/7 Access Point: opioid treatment program (OTP)
OTP, integrated health Care, mobile delivery of health literacy education, peer led services for employment, transit to appointments and general coordination with community agencies, counseling, and telehealth services, SMI services, lab testing for HIV and Hep C, SUN (substance use navigators)
Southwest Behavioral & Health Services (SWBH)
Correctional health and Phoenix municipal coordination and navigation for access to care for OUDs/SUDs. Team includes a peer housing navigator to help with housing placement for both temporary and permanent housing options.
Community service agency providing group and individual exercise, yoga and wellness coaching to those struggling with substance use disorders. They also offer services to organizations working with individuals struggling with substance use disorders. The team includes peer-support recovery coaches integrating the eight domains of wellness to guide clients through their recovery journey.
Email The Barbell Saves Project
Terros Health
HIV, viral hepatitis testing and EBP prevention; current SABG Prevention and HIV Early Intervention Partner, Ryan White HIV/AIDS program recipient.
Valle Del Sol
Peer certification, housing specialist and housing dollars through tenant-based rental help. Includes provisions for telehealth administration. Supportive services for those who test positive for HIV and hepatitis.
Email Azel Jackson
West Valley OBGYN
Program combines medication treatment, primary obstetric care, perinatal consultations through our in-house maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialist, as well as care coordination, access to physical, mental health, and social care structures improving overall health outcomes for pregnant and post-partum women with OUD. Medication services are paired with access to high-quality legal representation.
Visit West Valley OBGYN
Pinal County
Community Bridges, Inc.
Retention of jail navigators, housing navigators, and advent of new first responder navigator Expansion of Navigator workforce to include women’s services navigators affiliated with Center for Hope Expansion of Rapid Rehousing Programming rental and utility help.
Community Medical Services
Peer support and outreach services within correctional environments, connecting members with OUD and SUD to services; hepatitis C testing and benefits navigation.
Colorado River Behavioral Health System – TLCR
TLCR is a Peer Run Program Outpatient Counseling facility. TLCR’s Community Integration Program helps members with substance use disorders and mental illness create a new and rewarding life in the community with peer support, recovery support services, skills training, counseling, vocational training, natural supports, family inclusion and navigation through all community health care services to help them reach their goals, including navigation and support in the criminal justice system.
Email T. Hall
Gila County
Community Bridges, Inc.
Jail re-entry coordinators in Gila County jail. Our re-entry coordinators work with inmates pre-release to identify service needs and help with appointments, arranging transportation and a warm hand off post-release.
Uninsured members need GPRA documents. This includes Titled XIX/XXI and Non-Titled XIX/XXI people receiving SOR grant-funded services.
Providers serving members under the SOR Grant: you’ll need to complete GPRA at:
- Intakes
- 6-month follow-ups
- Discharge
The intention of GPRA is to measure progress throughout the receipt of substance use services under the grant.
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) has partnered with SYNTASA to develop and manage the GPRA portal for grants.
More about the SOR grant
You can learn more about the SOR grant.
Questions? Email us. Or call 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Are you or someone you know in crisis?
- Call 1-844-534-HOPE (1-844-534-4673)
- Text HOPE to 4HOPE (44673)
Providers can order resources
Complete the online form to order educational materials about behavioral health services at no cost.
Not yet a member?
Learn about becoming a member in Mercy Care Medicaid plans or Mercy Care Advantage.
Learn about becoming a member in Mercy Care Medicaid plans or Mercy Care Advantage.