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MAT can support you

MAT can support you
MAT is more than just medication. You’ll also get counseling and behavioral treatment. Some providers have 24/7 Access Points. These are treatment sites where you can get care anytime, day or night.
MAT providers are ready to share MAT with you. And start you on a path to recovery, health and wellness:
- Do You Know MAT? — Central Phoenix (PDF)
- Do You Know MAT? — West Valley (PDF)
- Do You Know MAT? — East Valley (PDF)
A MAT myth
Sometimes MAT gets a bad rap. People may think MAT is just about trading one drug for another. But that’s not true.
When someone stops using opioids or alcohol, their brain may go into withdrawal. Sometimes people can’t, or won’t, stop using just to avoid those feelings of withdrawal.
Some MAT facts
MAT for opioid or alcohol withdrawal:
Interacts with some of the same receptors in the brain these drugs trigger
Can help treat the physical effects of withdrawal
Can help stop or reduce cravings
Gives you a safe and controlled dose of medication
Works best along with counseling and more personal support
Not ready for MAT?
People move through recovery differently. Not everyone is ready for MAT. Just know — you have over 57 providers at nearly 300 sites in Arizona that offer other treatments, too. They’re here when you’re ready. We can help connect you with MAT or whatever treatment and support is right for you.
Until you’re ready, stay safe and follow these tips:
- Don’t share or reuse needles.
- Don't mix drugs.
- Get medical help if you feel unwell (physically or mentally)
No cost for anyone in the community
You can get MAT services at no cost at many opioid treatment sites.
Not enrolled in Mercy Care? Don’t let that stop you from getting MAT. We get funds from the substance abuse block grant (SABG) to help uninsured people. We want everyone who needs MAT to get it.
More about MAT
Questions about this grant? Email us. Or call 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Not yet a member?
Learn about becoming a member in Mercy Care Medicaid plans or Mercy Care Advantage.