Another group or vendor provides the info on the next page. If you don’t want to leave our site, choose the “X” in the upper right corner to close this message. Or choose “Go on” to move forward.
Call Member Services at ${MS_phone_1} or ${MS_phone_2} (TTY 711) We’re here for you ${member_services_hours}. Be sure to have your member ID and email address ready.
Benefits at your fingertips

Benefits at your fingertips
You can do a lot inside your member portal. Just log in. Then, you can:
- See your member ID card or ask for a new one
- Ask to change your primary care physician (PCP)
- Update your contact info
- Track your health goals
- See the status of your claims
- Look up prescription medications
- Find a provider or pharmacy in your area
Download your Mercy Care app
Always on the go? No problem. The app gives you all the benefits of your member portal anytime, anywhere. Check out health resources, send us questions and more. Just download the app from the Apple App Store® or the Google Play™ store.
And check out this helpful mobile app guide (PDF).
Need a phone?
Apply for monthly mobile phone services or a smartphone at no cost through the government Affordable Connectivity program.
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