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Get the care you need

Get the care you need
We know you have choices when it comes to choosing health care. You can get services from:
- Mercy Care
- Indian Health Service (IHS) providers
- Tribally owned and/or operated health services on tribal lands
We value our partnership with the IHS and tribal nations in the care of tribal members. And we promote services that support the well-being of American Indian families.
We’re here to help. Email Tribal Relations to connect you to the info and resources you need.
COVID-19 is still a challenge, so we want to share some helpful info on COVID-19 (PDF) with you. Read how to take care of yourself and others. Also, see how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your home.
Member choice
Member choice
American Indians can get care from our full provider network. These providers focus on services for tribal members and their communities:

Arizona behavioral health crisis line
If you or someone you love is in a behavioral health crisis, call 1-844-534-4673 or 1-844-534-HOPE.
You can also text HOPE to 4HOPE (44673). Or visit our crisis services page.
More resources
Visit our community resource guide for more helpful info and links for tribal members.
Call Member Services at ${MS_phone_1} or ${MS_phone_2} (TTY 711). We’re here for you ${member_services_hours}.