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Learn about ABA

Learn about ABA
ABA is a behavioral health treatment. It’s based on the needs of each person and caregiver. An ABA provider will make a treatment plan to:
- Teach new skills
- Support caregivers
Caregivers will learn skills to help their loved one:
- Develop helpful behaviors
- Reduce behaviors that affect learning
- Reduce harmful behaviors
Coverage for ABA
- Mercy Care covers ABA when you use a network provider.
- Your Child and Family Team (CFT) or Adult Recovery Team (ART) will decide if ABA is medically necessary.
- You can get ABA through a specialty providers below.
ABA network specialty providers
You can find an ABA provider based on the county where you live.
Need language help?
You can get all our printed materials in other formats. You pay nothing for these materials. This includes your member handbook and provider directory. You can also get info in languages other than English. Call us at 602-263-3000 or 1-800-624-3879 (TTY 711).
Learn more about language help.
Call Member Services at ${MS_phone_1} or ${MS_phone_2} (TTY 711). We’re here for you ${member_services_hours}.