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What does a case manager do?

What does a case manager do?
A case manager can help you manage your health care needs. Case managers work with you to make a plan of care that fits you and your goals.
How case managers can help
Case managers focus on you. They can coordinate care and services, like:
- Behavioral health
- Long-term care, including home and community-based services (HCBS) and alternative residential settings
- Short- and long-term nursing home placement
- Acute care for kids and adults
- Hospice care
- Planning for hospital discharge (leaving the hospital)
- Support to meet job goals
- Other support services as part of your plan of care
They also coordinate benefits like housing, education and jobs for members with a serious mental illness (SMI) designation.
Your case manager supports you in making personal health care goals. At the same time, they can provide education and support to help you reach these goals. This approach helps maintain and improve your level of function, health, and quality of life.
To help decide which services best meet your needs, the case manager works with:
- You
- Your provider and/or your clinical team
- Your representative or guardian (if you have one)
- Your chosen family, sometimes called informal support
Your case manager visits you in-person every:
- 90 days if you live in their own home or assisted-living facility
- 180 days if you live in a skilled nursing facility
They’ll ask about your health and care needs. You can have family and others present, if you’d like them to take part.